Physical Education
The Circus School is committed to enhancing and enriching the PE curriculum with our circus sport school incursions in Melbourne and beyond.
From juggling and mini trampolining through to stilts and human balances, the emphasis is on inclusivity, engagement and of course, fun! With such a wide variety of equipment and activities in our repertoire, we have the tools to build valuable programs for all age groups and abilities.
Led by our highly experienced team that have been working with Melbourne schools for over a decade, programs are linked to the Australian Curriculum Health & Physical Education elaborations and “I Can” statements to enable easy pupil assessment.
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Simply Circus (5 Weeks)
In this 5-week program, our trainers take pupils step-by-step through a wide range of age-appropriate circus skills. As well as being fun, this is also designed to carefully complement your wider PE curriculum goals.If you want to put a challenge out to your students and encourage them to try something new, our Simply Circus 5 week program serves as the perfect introduction to a range of age-appropriate circus skills.
Our trainers will take them step-by-step through the basics and inspire them with a new set of skills that are not only fun, but complimentary to their education.
Circus Blitz (3 weeks)
Fun and fast-paced, this program gives your pupils an unforgettable taste of circus skills. Featuring accessible yet exhilarating activities and experiences, it’s the ideal way to introduce the circus to your school.
Circus Visit
Whether you’re trying to decide if circus is right for your school, or if you simply want to give your students a one-off whirlwind of fun and learning, our visit program is the high-impact way of introducing circus to your school.
Circus in a Day
We send as many trainers as you need, to give students non-stop circus rotations for a couple of hours, or whole day.
Ideal for a specific year level; sleepovers and end-of-year celebrations.